Popcorn is one the most loved popcorn snacks. Popcorn kernels should be popped in microwaves or in a popcornmaker. They can then be eaten plain or with salt, butter, or both. But what about popcorn kernels which don't pop at all? This is what happens and how can it be prevented. Keep reading if you want popcorn answers!
It actually comes down to one simple reason: water.
Because of its moisture content, popcorn is called popcorn. Popcorn should contain approximately 14% water, although some kernels have as low as 12%.
Popping a kernel means there isn't enough water to allow the starch and protein coatings of the popcorn to expand during popping. Water-soaked popcorn may also cause popcorn to not pop.
In addition to the water content in your kernals, the hull can also affect whether or not your popcorn kernal actually pops. The hull of a popcorn kernel is the crispy outside layer that encases what's inside.
When heated, it turns into an airtight seal to help contain any water escaping from within (unless there are leaks). At 212 degrees Fahrenheit, water trapped in kernels boils and becomes steam which pushes against the tightened outer shell; as soon as pressure reaches 347 degrees F POP!
So that's basically it. Popcorn needs enough water to pop.